Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose CQ Pysch Services?

All serviced provided at CQ Psych Services are done so by a highly qualified and very experienced clinician. We are committed to, and enthusiastic about, providing excellent psychological services.

Why might I see a Psychologist?

People from diverse backgrounds seek counselling for many reasons. Psychological counselling may be useful if you:
– Have a persistent feeling of sadness or depression
– Often feel stressed or anxious
– Would like to improve your relationship with others
– Lack self-confidence or assertiveness
– Are struggling to balance work and family commitments

What can Psychological Counselling assist with?

With experience in a variety of therapeutic frameworks, our clinicians takes referrals for a wide range of mental health concerns in both adults and young people. We can assist with many issues, including:

– Generalised Anxiety
– Panic
– Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
– Phobias
– Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
– Depression
– Somatic Disorders
– Social Anxiety
– Communication Skills
– Anger & Stress Management
– Child Anxiety Disorders and Child Depression
– Child Behaviour Problems
– Adjustment Difficulties including; divorce, workplace conflict, school adjustment and bullying issues
– Parenting Skills

What qualifications do the Psychologists hold?

All psychologists at CQ Psych Services hold tertiary qualifications in psychology. In addition, we undertake continuing professional development which ensures we are able to provide you with the best and latest treatment approaches. We are also fully registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and members of the Australian Psychological Society.

What should I expect when I see a Psychologist?

Before your therapy session begins, I may ask you to fill out administrative forms in order to properly record your data. You may also be asked to complete some psychological assessment forms to establish a starting point from which we can work. During sessions we provide a safe, relaxed and confidential environment in which time is taken to understand your personal circumstances before we develop your unique treatment plan.

How long does it take?

This varies depending on a number of factors. Generally, less complex issues take a shorter time, whereas, more complex issues will necessarily require more time. Each session is about 50 minutes in length. Each clients needs differ and an appropriate treatment plan is developed with the client. Allow a little longer for the first session.

What if I need help urgently?

CQ Psych Services is not a crisis or emergency service. If you need immediate assistance with your own or someone else’s mental health please call: Gladstone Hospital 4976 3200 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Other Useful Links.

Do I need a referral?

You do not need a referral to see a psychologist. However, in order to access Medicare Rebates a General Practitioner or Psychiatrist referral is required. If you are referred by a third party (e.g. WorkCover) referral information must be made available at the time of making the appointment. Please see our web page on Types of Referrals, for more information or phone is on (07) 4972 6929.

Am I eligible for a Medicare rebate?

A Medicare rebate is the amount of money that Medicare will refund you to go towards your session fee, just like if you were seeing a General Practitioner or other medical specialist. As part of the federal government’s Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative, eligible clients can receive a rebate from Medicare for psychological services. In order to obtain a rebate from Medicare, your General Practitioner or Psychiatrist must assess you as eligible to receive a Mental Health Care Plan, following which you can be referred to a psychologist. Once a Mental Health Care Plan has been completed by your doctor, you will be able to obtain a Medicare rebate for up to 10 sessions per calendar year.
To claim the rebate after your session, you will need to take your receipt to Medicare. Alternatively, CQ Psych Services can lodge an online Medicare claim for you where the rebate will be deposited into your bank account once processed by Medicare.

What about confidentiality?

We understand that clients may be concerned about their privacy and confidentiality. Any information disclosed to us (including case notes, records, and psychological test results) is confidential and cannot be disclosed without the client’s consent. If there is any need to disclose information from files with another professional (for example a medical doctor, lawyer, or third-party billing source), the client will be consulted first and asked to sign a release of information form. However, there are some legal limitations to confidentiality, which your psychologist will discuss with you during your first session.

What is the difference between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?

Psychologists and Psychiatrists both help people with their mental health and are often confused because they sound so similar.
Psychologists are not medical doctors, unlike Psychiatrists. This means that Psychologists can’t prescribe medication. Instead psychologists focus on counselling and helping people talk through their problems, emotions and underlying thoughts. Psychologists help people to develop practical strategies and new ways of thinking and behaving that improve their wellbeing. Sometimes a client may see both a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist to ensure that both psychological and medical aspects of their mental health concerns are cared for in tandem.

What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)?

The Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy defines Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) as a relatively short term, focused approach to the treatment of many types of emotional, behavioural and psychiatric problems. The application of CBT varies according to the problem being addressed but is essentially a collaborative and individualised program that helps clients to identify unhelpful thoughts and behaviours and learn or relearn healthier skills and habits. As its name suggests, CBT involves both ‘cognitive therapy’ and ‘behaviour therapy’. Cognitive therapy focuses on an individual’s pattern of thinking while behaviour therapy looks at associated actions. CBT has been researched extensively and has demonstrated effectiveness with a variety of emotional psychological and psychiatric difficulties. CBT is structured, goal oriented and focuses on immediate difficulties as well as long term strategies and requires active involvement by the client during and between sessions (

What happens in sessions?

Sessions involve talking about your current difficulties and working together on a plan to make some positive life changes.
The first session is always different from the rest. The first session will involve us getting to know you and learning about why you have chosen to come and see us. We will need to complete some commencement paperwork and brief screening questionnaires. 
Thereafter, we work on the things that you want to be different. Usually this will involve giving you some things to think about or do between sessions, but always this will involve talking in detail about your past, present and future, thoughts and feelings.

What can I expect at my first session?

Please arrive a few minutes early to settle in and ask our admin team any questions prior to the commencement of your first session.

The first session involves:
– Undertaking a thorough assessment: you will be asked about past experiences and treatment to better understand the nature of the difficulties for which treatment is being sought.
– We give you an opportunity to tell us anything you think is relevant to your issue.
– We explain what you can expect from therapy.
– We give you an idea of how long you will need to see us: the number of sessions varies with the type of difficulties being treated.
– We discuss the treatment plan with you including goals and ways to monitor progress.

Do you offer after hours appointments?

Our practice currently does not offer after hours appointments. We operate Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm.
CQ Psych Services is not a crisis or emergency service. If you need immediate assistance with your or someone else’s mental health please call: Gladstone Hospital 4976 3200 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Additional Useful Links.