Free Information & Worksheets

Information Sheets

6 Steps in Cognitive Restructuring

Steps to identifying and altering negative thinking.


10 Ways to Untwist Your Thinking

Understanding your style of thinking.


Activity Planning

Improving your mood by organising your day.


Anger Coping Statements

Some general coping statement for dealing with anger.


Anger Management Tips

The good, the bad and the ugly of anger – tips for managing problematic anger.


Challenging Your Automatic Thoughts

Some questions useful when challenging negative automatic thoughts.


Cognitive Errors

Some common errors or distortions in the way we think.



Depression – the signs, symptoms and treatment explained.


Goal Setting

The why and how of goal setting.


Healthy Relationships

Some tips which may improve your relationships.


Helping Someone with Depression

Some do’s and don’ts for helping a person with depression or anxiety.



Relaxation strategies have been shown to be effective in reducing unpleasant feelings.


Sleeping Well

Some information about sleep, sleeping problems, and some strategies for helping yourself.


Staying Calm

Some tips on managing intense feelings.


The Cognitive Model

Information on the interplay between our thoughts, emotions and behaviour.

Worksheets & Activities 

Daily Automatic Thought Record

A worksheet to log events, feelings and thinking.


Weekly Activity Schedule

A worksheet to plan out your daily activity to help improve mood.


Gratitude Journal

A worksheet to log your daily gratitude moments.


Wellbeing and Stress Checklist

Take our free Wellbeing and Stress Checklist. Print the two page checklist and follow the instructions included to identify potential areas that you may wish to improves on to manages your wellbeing and stress better.


Mental Health Word Search

Download our free Mental Health Word Search. Take some time out for yourself and see how many words you can find.


Emotions Word Search

Download our free Emotions Word Search. Take some time out for yourself and see how many words you can find.


Mindfulness Colouring

Download our free Mindfulness Colouring. Take some time out for yourself and create something beautiful.


Mindfulness Colouring V2

Download another one of our free Mindfulness Colouring pages. Take some time out for yourself and create something beautiful.


Mental Health Word Scramble 

Download our free Mental Health Word Scramble. Take some time out for yourself and see how many words you can successfully unscramble.


What you can control VS. what you cannot control

Download the free ‘what you can control VS what you cannot control’ worksheet. When you’re feeling stressed, take some time to recognise what is within your control and what is out of your control in a situation.